A Spectrum of Conflict Resources

Unsure about which of Emory's many resources is right for you? We have a tool that can help.

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Conflict Tool Video Tutorial

In this brief video, we introduce our new tool for navigating conflict resources at Emory. This tool can help you find the right resources to support you based on the kind of conflict you are experiencing and the kind of support you are seeking.

Mapping Emory's Resources

Emory is a big place. Precisely because Emory is such a large and complex organization, it can be challenging to know where to go to get help when you find yourself faced with a problem. The right resource may depend on a lot of factors, from the type of concern to your role at Emory. It's a lot to consider, and it's no wonder that many people feel overwhelmed!

As we have listened to our visitors over the past three years, it has become clear that what is needed is a way for Emory community members to navigate the various resources available to them depending on their concerns and goals.  In other words, people need a map, something that can help orient you to which resources offer what kinds of support. Here, we provide two ways of making sense of Emory's many resources, and a tool for navigating through them. 

Concern Categories

One way to organize Emory's resources is according to the basic type, or category, of issue the resources is designed to address. We have provided some descriptions of the major concern categories for which Emory has a resource below. 

These concerns involve different treatment compared with others (including harassment) based on, for example, gender, race, age, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, disability, or other identity. This category also includes concerns about comments or behaviors perceived to be insensitive, offensive, or intolerant based on identity-related difference.

 Diversity-Related Resources

This category includes unwanted physical, verbal, written, or other sexual conduct including conduct that may create a hostile or intimidating environment.

Sexual Misconduct Resources

These concerns involve issues related to disability, illness, and reasonable accommodations.

Health & Wellness Resources

These resources deal with issues related to compliance with legal and community standards, including student conduct codes and other Emory policies.

Ethics Resources

These are concerns regarding academic matters such as grades, classes, and codes of conduct for students and faculty.

Academics Resources

These resources assist with concerns related to employment for staff, faculty, and students, including pay and benefits, performance management, professional development, and employee relations.

Career Resources

These resources assist with concerns that may or may not fall into the above categories, but fundamentally involve some sort of relationship dynamic or disagreement about an issue.

Interpersonal Resources

Approaches and Goals

Understanding the concern categories is helpful, but it does not fully explain how each resource can help you identify and achieve your goals. One way to think through those goals is by thinking of resolution options as falling along a spectrum--what we call the Conflict Spectrum. It’s like a resource rainbow that can help you make sense of where you are and what you need to get where you want to go.

What is the "Conflict Spectrum"?

The basic idea is simple: for every type of concern exists a range of approaches to address and resolve that concern. Some people simply want to understand their options better; others want emotional or psychological support for themselves, but do not want to engage directly with other parties. Still others want to explore "win-win" options, either through coaching or facilitation. Finally, some concerns are best addressed through formal, third-party adjudication. 

Below, we have organized these goals into six color-coded categories to help you understand how Emory's resources fall along this spectrum of conflict approaches.

A Rainbow of Resources

Below, we have organized these resolution options into a color key. By clicking on each color, you can learn more about which resources at Emory offer which type of resolution, from informal guidance to formal procedures.

Resources highlighted in purple provide neutral, informal guidance on how to resolve disputes, including information about how other options such as formal investigations work and where to obtain individual support. These resources are a great first option if you are not sure where to go and a good way to obtain an informal perspective.

Resolution Details

These resources (dark blue) proactively focus on preventing or reducing harm caused by conflict through accountability, awareness, community standards, and training. While they may not involve formal investigations or grievance procedures, they are a good place to go for individuals who wish to add their voices to improving the community.

Resolution Details

Resources colored light blue provide aid including but not limited to psychological support, emotional support, listening, nonemergency medical assistance, and conflict coaching.

Resolution Details

These resources, in green, assist with addressing interpersonal or organizational conflict by facilitating communication and focusing on shared interests. These options may include mediation, facilitated dialogue, restorative practices, or shuttle diplomacy as well as conflict coaching.

Resolution Details

Resources marked orange may address issues through formal complaints. These offices will often conduct an investigation to determine the facts and then engage in a process designed to determine whether the facts demonstrate a violation of a certain standard (such as the Honor Code, Conduct Code, or Emory University policy). Depending on the specific process, both complainants and respondents may have certain rights. Formal procedures are the only way sanctions can be imposed on an individual member of the community, but only according to the specific process and standards in question.

Resolution Details

Resources marked red are focused on providing immediate emergency or physical safety assistance.

Resolution Details



The Conflict Resource Tool

Below, you can sort through Emory's conflict resources according to concern categories and your preferred resolution approach. Each resource is marked with a color-coded icon that corresponds to the Resource Rainbow of conflict approaches and goals. You can then select each resource to learn more about it and be connected with that office. We hope you find this tool a valuable way of making sense of Emory's many resources.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these resources, please reach out to us—we would love to hear from you.

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